2025 and beyond
While we are working on the event in Belgrade, Serbia we are of course looking forward to where Silvensa will be hosted in 2025 and beyond. It could be anywhere in Europe, yes, even in Your city. You think it’s too complicated, too much work, or too costly? Well, that's not entirely true.
There are only three things You need at the beginning:
10+ Mensans who are willing to form an organization team. You can try to do this with less people if you are experienced, but we won’t recommend it. In fact the team of Silvensa 2015 in Vienna had only three Mensans, and that was really tough. The team of Silvensa 2017 in Warsaw also had only four members.
A consent of your national Mensa Board to host Silvensa. This is necessary because every big event has a financial risk which has to be carried by the national Mensa. Several Silvensas finished with a surplus. So we have a good reason to be confident that we can help you minimizing this risk.
Send us your application until the beginning of the Polish Mensa Annual Gathering the year before you want to be the host. So for Silvensa 2025, this would be until May 30th, 2024. Polish Mensa Annual Gathering usually starts at a Catholic holiday called Corpus Christi.
There is one additional condition for potential German hosts only: Aufgrund der Erfahrungen die wir beim Sommerfest-EMAG in Berlin und bei anderen Großveranstaltungen gemacht haben können wir uns nicht vorstellen, Silvensa mit der derzeitigen Veranstaltungsseite von MinD zu organisieren. Ihr müsst daher den Vorstand überreden unsere Webseite verwenden zu dürfen.
Basically that’s the first step to become a Silvensa host. If you have done this first step just send us an email to panel@silvensa.org. If we have more than one potential host for each year we will try to organize a public poll about the next host. If there is just one then we could start a little Silvensa host puzzle again, just like the one we had at the end of last year on our website and Facebook.
Once you are a host there are a few basic rules which we need to secure the character of Silvensa as an event for everyone.
The registration fee should not be higher than €10 for early birds and €25 for late birds. That way we make sure Silvensa is affordable for everyone, including people with low income. If there is a very good reason for a higher fee, please ask us.
No events like the Icebreaker or the New Year's Eve party should be included in the registration fee, so people can choose the parts of Silvensa they want to participate in.
You will need a main venue, New Year’s Eve party venue, a number of small indoor and outdoor events, a registration website, name tags, a lot of international promotion and a budget draft for all of that.
Don’t worry, we can help you with all these issues.
The Silvensa Panel always offer help and support to the local OrgaTeams. Over the years we have developed a dedicated system for Silvensa. We provide the OrgaTeam with the Silvensa website with fully operational backend, including PayPal extension to offer instant direct payments, our own IT support, assistance with sending newsletters, internal email in @silvensa.org domain, ticket system to answer quickly participants' questions, stats from previous years and summary of our participant satisfaction surveys.
We know what’s important when you negotiate with potential main venues/party venues. We have organized a lot of small events before and know how to combine them into a big event. You can use this website as your registration website, so you don’t have to worry about this too much. And we still know how to do name tags ;)
Think about it! A really big international New Year's Eve event could be in your city/region. Yes, that is a lot of work, but it is also a lot of fun. It feels good when your event becomes more and more real, when the small events are combined into a big one, when the first participants register, the first events are sold out, when you start counting the number of countries your participants come from. It feels even better when you get exited in the last days before the event, when the first guests arrive at your registration desk, when you see some known faces and a lot of new ones, when you see them being happy because of your events. And the best feeling for us was December 31st at 10:00 pm, when we realized that we had done it, despite being such a small team and having only a few months to organize everything. We suddenly relaxed completely and had a great international Mensa party just a few kilometers from where we live.
Imagine Silvensa in your city…
Anna - Anna Dorota - Hana - Maja - Meda - Vanessa - Franz - Peter